Christ Anointing Oil

To be anointed is to be God empowered to live the Christ life. The Christ Anointing Oil brings about the divine oneness where the physical and the spiritual have emerged and become one as Paul says in Eph 1:10. 

After Melchizedek Priesthood Order

In the Old Testament, Moses anointed Aaron and his sons as priests and also anointed the temple. However, under the new covenant, we are all part of the royal priesthood after the order of Melchizedek and the temple, so it's essential for us all to use anointing oil. When used with knowledge and the right intention, we can experience its full benefits.

Patience received inspirational instructions from the Lord in a night vision to prepare this special anointing oil for such a time as this. 

Christ Anointing Oil



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In the Old Testament, Moses anointed Aaron and his sons as priests and also anointed the temple. However, under the new covenant, we are all part of the royal priesthood after the order of Melchizedek and the temple, so it's essential for us all to use anointing oil. When used with knowledge and the right intention, we can experience its full benefits.

The name ‘CHRIST’ is the Anointed one and his anointing. Anointing is the divine empowerment of the Lord God. So to be anointed is to be God empowered to live the Christ life. 

“The spirit of the Lord God is upon me for the LORD has anointed me…” Isaiah 61:1

Jesus quoted this in Luke 4:18 because he needed to be clothed upon with Christ, the anointed one and his anointing before his ministry. If he did then we should too. 

Put on Christ. Be clothed with Christ.

Phil 4:13 TPT “I find that the strength of Christ’s [The Anointed One and His anointing] explosive power infuses me to conquer every difficulty.” 

Isaiah 61:1-3 list what the anointing comes upon us to do, to give the good news to those who are struggling, that Christ can shift things for them, to bind the broken hearted/ the depressed, to bring recover of sight to the blind and open prison doors to the captives and proclaim the year of Jubilee is here for all. 

Also to comfort those who mourn and to give them beauty instead of Ashes, oil of Joy for mourning and garment of praise for spirit of heaviness. So that they would become the planting of the LORD. 

All is but first He does all that in you so you would go do it for others. 

And Jesus said this day this is fulfilled in your eyes/nervous system. 

The anointing upon you is the crown coming to sit on you. Crowned as king to God’s glory so rule and reign in life.


The ingredients are based on Exodus 30: 22-33

MYRRH; His suffering, bitter

CINNAMON; sweetness, pleasure

CALAMUS; thrives in impossible circumstances, a reed, A bruised reed he shall not break..Isa 42:3

CASSIA; to bow down or stoop, surrender.

OLIVE OIL; the Holy Spirit, yielding/ illuminating oil 

How to Use

This is the prayer you say when putting the Christ Anointing Oil on yourself:

“The spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the LORD has anointed me to speak his goodness unto many, to minister as the priest of Yahweh after the order of Melchizedek, to excel in all I do, to breaking through on the left and the right and to fulfill my destiny.”

And you can add or replace it with whatever you feel led to say over yourself at the present moment.

As you put the anointing oil on yourself you are using the natural to alchemize the Spiritual, practicality the spirit of the Lord God comes to rest on you as you say that and apply the oil. You become the throne of Yahweh, Yahweh is enthroned on you “he carries you from place to place in his throne of triumph.” 

Then for just a couple of minutes lift your hands up and sense, experience and or feel the spirit coming on you, responding to your prayers. 

First the natural then the spiritual. The Christ anointing oil bring about the divine oneness where the physical and the spiritual have emerged and become one as Paul says in Eph 1:10. 

There is no longer any separation. 

Your words create your future, the power of both life and death is in your tongue so use it, see it, feel it and say it.


Our team will ship your order within 5 business days once I receive payment via Zelle or Cash app. 

Return Policy

Due to the nature of our anointing oil product, we do not offer refunds or exchanges. All sales are final. However, if you receive a defective or damaged product, please contact us within 7 days of receiving your order, and we will work with you to resolve the issue. We are committed to providing high-quality products and services, and we appreciate your understanding of our no refund policy. 

Reviews (8)

Gift for the body of Christ -

Alice M. on Aug 28, 2023

I was intrigued to try this anointing oil because knowing Patience Hogan and her ability to understand and articulate the scriptures were profound, so I knew it was developed and came from her deep connection with the Father and her revelation of Christ.  What a gift this is for the body of Christ.  I recommend this anointing oil to anyone that has a heart to pray for healing of not only the body but also over homes, documents, relationships etc.  I trust Patience, her integrity and her our intentions for making this available to us all.

Powerful -

Rev Fran M. on Aug 28, 2023

I don’t trust in the wisdom of man but in the power of God and I am believing that Rev. Patience “CHRIST ANOINTING OIL” is a powerful tool that I absolutely recommend you begin each day to attract good mental and spiritual thoughts and ideas from the mind of God. This Blessed oil is proven to bring forth the visitation of our Living God that will move us from faith into expectation demonstration and manifestation.

Healing -

Julie S. on Aug 17, 2023

The fragrance and frequency of this oil has been such a blessing to me recently as I have begun the process of healing trauma in my life. 

I like to start my day with placing 3 drops of oil on my fingertips. I take a few moments to take in the beauty and warmth of the fragrance.  I apply to the crown of my head, declaring I have the mind of Christ. Then tapping around my eyes, my ears and my mouth (declaring: I see what you want me to see, hear what you want me to hear and speak what you want me to speak). I anoint my thyroid area declaring I have understanding.  I mark my hands and feet declaring my hands do his work and my feet carry the gospel of peace. 

Most days I follow this practice and anoint myself before I leave my home. 

I appreciate and love the beautiful recipe of fragrant oils that Patience has chosen to incorporate into Christ Anointing Oil. I know you will love it too.

Powerful -

Cheri D. on Mar 27, 2023

I just applied this Christ Anointing Oil again tonight before my meditation. I have deep joy in my surrender to Father God. 

I always apply the oil generously in the sign of the cross on the palms of my hands and ask Him to guide and bless the works of my hands as I move in rhythm with His will. I touch the crown of my head and feel the anointing of the Spirit of the Lord. I touch my throat and ask that I speak only the words that God would have me speak. I thank Jesus for his sacrifice that gives me and all others that choose to believe that he is Lord and was raised from the dead, the full rights, inheritance, and blessings of sons and daughters of God.

I Put my hands together, fingertip to fingertip covered in anointing oil, and breathe in the fragrance of this awesome responsibility. I feel the heavy beat of my pulse through my fingertips extending from my heart. I am in a place of peace and rest, but I feel the tremendous power of prayer and truth. 

I am comforted in the knowledge that my sister in Christ made this oil according to the instruction she received in prayer.

My prayers for my adult sons are sometimes so spiritual that I leave my prayer and catch them before they leave our house. I barely apply the oil that is on my hands to the very top of their heads; for this, they have to bow down so that I can reach the crown of their head. I tell them my intention and the anointing I have for them. Surprisingly, they readily receive this covering of prayers. 

I love the lingering smell of the anointing oil, especially the cinnamon, and I often apply it to my hands in prayer before I sleep.

I can withstand trials with my calm strength, knowing that my home and family are covered in the peace of God in Christ Jesus.

The fragrance and sheen of the oil remind me of God’s power behind the scriptures that inspired Patience to create this oil (Isaiah 61), “ The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good tidings to the afflicted; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted…” 

I have a bottle for my bedroom and one for my kitchen and a couple for gifts. I can never have too much. 

Empowering -

Pat K. on Mar 27, 2023

I just want to give a couple of great testimonies on what has happened to me when I used Patience's anointing oil. When I went to Union it was the first time I had traveled alone. I missed the second part of my connection. They told me that it could be in the morning or even in the next evening. I really felt like a victim. Not only that but I thought I had lost my luggage. So I begin to find a place to sleep for the night and I realized I could not be a victim and be anointed with the Melchizedek priests oil. So immediately I pulled out of the funk and realized that I was anointed to preach good news to the poor and all of the other declarations in Isaiah 61. It was really amazing and then I looked down and saw that my luggage was under the chair that I was in.

I also use it every morning before I begin my prayer time. It is amazing on how it stirs my spirit to begin praying. Patience, I am so grateful that you took the time to find the ingredients to make this precious oil. 

Healed my Sister-in-law -

Jeanne S. on Mar 23, 2023

My sister in law was in the hospital for two days and they were not able to get her blood pressure down. They would not let her leave with it as high as it was 200 over 150. They tried medication, to relax her then a therapy aid came in to take her blood pressure it was still 180 over 150. He tried sitting her up taking her for walk laying down. That’s when I told her husband I had brought some anointing oil. He said it’s time we used it. I poured a whole dropper full on the top of her head we and prayed. The therapist said ok we’re going to take it one more time. 143/70 then he couldn’t believe it so took it again 140/53. He ran out with the machine and was yelling in the hallway it’s a miracle it’s a miracle. The nurse came in with another machine 143/50. They let her go home. 

Awesome! -

Mercedes D. on Mar 13, 2023

I love this oil! Anytime I use it I feel wonderful and so connected with God. I use it during my meditations and prayer, or just when I want to have a moment of stillness. You can tell it’s made with love and by godly and anointed hands!

Amazing! -

Jamie L. on Mar 13, 2023

I've been using this anointing oil for a few weeks now, and I am blown away by its powerful effect. The fragrance is heavenly, and I feel empowered whenever I use it. I've been using it to enhance my meditation and prayer practice, and it has helped me to connect more deeply with God. I highly recommend this anointing oil to anyone looking to deepen their spiritual practice and connect with God.

About Patience

Reverend Minister

Patience is a Reverend Minister and devout Christian with a deep love for God. She is committed to helping people from all walks of life. With a deep reverence for the Word of God and a desire to help others grow in their faith, she continues to inspire and guide others on their spiritual journey. She remains dedicated to sharing the transformative power of God with all those who seek it. 


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